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  • Cassie Walker

Knitting and Crocheting for a Cause

We love to create as fiber artists. Lets face it, there is something always on our needles or hooks at all times. And sometimes multiple needles and hooks!!! If you have been deemed knit worthy or crochet worthy you are pretty special. Knitting and crocheting create a sense of wellbeing in those who practice the art of fiber craft. This is due to many different things. The psychologist in me knows that the rhythm of the needles and hook are soothing and create a sense of focus, it reduces stress and anxiety, it improves memory and fine motor skills and so much more. But even more so there is creating something to give to someone. With that there is a sense of accomplishment, pride, and purpose. But what is even better than that? Knitting and Crocheting for a cause!

When we create something our pride and love go into that craft. Imagine how the person on the receiving end of that creation feels? This month at Thistle Too, and going forward,

we are going to be creating Knitted Knockers. The mission of Knitted Knockers is to "connect volunteer knitters and crocheters with breast cancer survivors to offer free Knitted Knockers to any woman who wants them. There is a huge demand for Knitted Knockers that can’t be met by any one group but together we can do it! If someone in each area will set a goal of meeting the need in just their county it can happen!"

So we are asking that all Crocheters and Knitters answer the call and join us to help create something fun, positive, and necessary for those who have gone through the scary world of cancer. Knitted Knockers are special handmade breast prostheses for women who have had breast cancer and undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy. Traditional breast prosthetics can be hot, heavy and sticky. They typically require special bras or camisoles with pockets and can’t be worn for weeks after surgery. Knitted Knockers are soft, comfortable, beautiful and when placed in a regular bra they take the shape and feel of a real breast. We will be an official site for women to pick up these for free. We will be a site that collects these on an ongoing basis.

So how can you help? You can join us for our first class/gathering on September 6th and 16th to knit and crochet these Knockers. If you don't know how to knit or crochet you can learn with us always but in the meantime you can purchase the approved yarn (list is available at the shop or via email request) and donate it to the shop for our knitters and crocheters to create in honor of your donation. You can also donate directly to Knitted Knockers. To date there have been over 600,000 knockers provided to women. There is a need so we need makers the most at this time to boost our supply!!

If you have any questions you can always inquire at the shop or via email ( We are excited to start this amazing group at the shop and hope you will join us!

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